Trade application

To get started with your application, please fill out the form below with all the required information. This will allow us to understand your needs and how we can best assist you. Once submitted, our team will review your application and get in touch with you as soon as possible to discuss the next steps.

Trade Application Form

Business Details

Is this Trading Name a Registered Business Name?
MM slash DD slash YYYY

Trading History

Are assets of Business encumbered?
Are Bad Debts Insured?
If different to above

Contact Details

Estimated amount of monthly credit required

Owner's / Directors' Details

MM slash DD slash YYYY
MM slash DD slash YYYY
Have any of the directors or proprietors been bankrupt or associated with an insolvent company?

Trading References

Please provide the names, addresses and phone numbers of 3 current references.


The Applicant applies to Tradelec Pty Ltd (ABN 36 667 365 451) (“Trade Electrical”) for credit. The Applicant acknowledges receipt of and accepts the present standard Terms and Conditions and acknowledges that the Terms and Conditions may be changed by Trade Electrical from time to time.

I/We warrant that I am/we are authorised to sign this Credit Application on behalf of the Applicant.
MM slash DD slash YYYY
MM slash DD slash YYYY

Personal Guarantee and Indemnity

I/We note that the trading Terms and Conditions have been provided to us by Trade Electrical and that I/we have read and understood them. In consideration of Trade Electrical supplying goods on credit to the Applicant:
MM slash DD slash YYYY
MM slash DD slash YYYY